Night mode - Blue light filter

by Sarara Enterprises

Health & Fitness


Blue light night screen app is basically consist of various screens and settingfor eye comfort or dark mode . Different night light options are provided in this appmay be you need screen other than light blue screen and with soothing effect, you willget many options there that will take effect in just your single click.This works as night light because the screen light intensity will be low but instead of common dark mode it gives many options of eye filter like named as clear blue, green candle halogen.As we know that blue light filter can improve your reading experience and helps in sleep setting related to display, resolution are too provided in this app so that all setting of such type will beaccessible on single click without go to settings of mobile, may be some of the provided apps settings will not workon your mobile depends on settings update of harware and software of your mobile determined by manufacturer.Hide what you see - This is a section in this app, where you will get a low resolution screen so that you can see the screenbut person which is not near you screen will appear black for him/her.Some app Images are taken from